Sunday, June 5, 2011

Dude...I'm Pumped

Okay, I am like, two hours away from seeing X-men: First Class and I am PUMPED.  Lately, I feel like I have been watching all my movies through my t.v. or my computer.  There is definitely something awesome and extraordinary about actually going to the movies that you just don't get from watching movies downloaded on your computer.  Maybe I just like spending 11 dollars for ticket and 7 dollars for a bag of popcorn?  But for some reason, I just don't think that's it.  Whatever the reason, I feel like no matter what, I'm always going to be the guy that just loves going to the movies.  It makes having bad dates bearable and gives at least a purpose to those rainy days.  Seriously though, rainy days are the pits, am I right?  But I digress.  Go to the movie theater some time soon, odds are you just forgot how awesome it was.


  1. I saw X-men at midnight when it first came out and let me say I thought it was awesome. Let's just say my money was well spent, FOR sure. I am the type of person who will most likely chose going to the movie theater over anything else. I think it is just so enjoyable, and relaxing. You can't even begin to compare computers or TV's with the movie theater because the movie theater will definitely come out on top. Sometimes though I do get so used to watching films on my computer or TV that I forget that the movie theater is even an option. There are so many good films coming out this summer, you can bet your butt I'll be at the movie theaters a lot this summer. I hope you enjoy X-men!

  2. I love how you said going to the movies makes bad dates bearable, Danny :) Although I have no desire to see X-Men, I feel the same way about Harry Potter and Transformers 3. Every time I see the trailers a big smile splashes across my face and I start hopping up and down in my seat. I just cannot contain my excitement! There are few things more thrilling than seeing an amazing movie in the theater. Its dark, its loud, and its exhilarating! I hate the horrible prices, but there are just those movies you can't pass up. I regret I did not go see Fast Five in theaters as I'm sure it won't quite measure up watching it on DVD or on OnDemand. I have only seen one movie (I forget the name of it, but it was that animated movie with spy that had Steve Carrell's voice. It sucked, but it was free! ) in 3D, but I can't WAIT to see Harry Potter in 3D. I used to be critical of the 3D movies, and aside from looking like a complete doofus with those glasses on while watching a movie, I have totally changed my mind.

  3. Yes! I love going to the movies. I've actually gone by myself a few times--catching a mid-day showing without anyone their to distract you is really relaxing. I don't what it is about theatres. Maybe its the big comfy seats or like yourself I enjoy paying $11 for a movie haha. I do know that I will be there frequently this summer for all the amazing films coming out!

  4. Make another the post about how good it is please. I am sort of worn out of the comic book movies. That looks good, but they have put out so many of them in the last seven or eight years. I made a packed with myself that I was not going to watch anymore and I have not in two years now. I am trying to figure out which one is worth breaking my streak.

  5. Very true point. I need to get to a movie theater soon. I keep missing movies when they are in theaters and imagine the feel of seeing a new movie on a two-story movie screen in an auditorium filled with sound and seats. It's a great feeling and I miss when I think about it. I'm definitely making a point to see multiple movies on the big screen, this summer.

  6. I am going to see it tomorrow and I am so excited! I'm pretty broke though, so I'm going to see at the Carmike at 5 so I only have to pay $5. I completely agree with you though, I usually watch all my shows or movies on my computer, and even if it is cheaper, it is definitely incomparable to the experience you get when you're watching something in a movie theatre.
    I heard the movie got great reviews so please let us know how it is, I'm curious!
